Touch of Christmas this weekend!

About Us

Mobilizing volunteers in homes providing basic cleaning and addressing food insecurity in our community.

Our Programs

Our Programs

How we can help.

Energetic Hands

Energetic Hands is a basic cleaning support program for Hands in Service clients who are unable to perform basic household tasks for themselves. This program is for people aged 19-64.

Food Hamper Delivery

If you are a Central Okanagan food bank client and need your food delivered we can help.  Delivery is available for clients who have mobility challenges that limit their ability to get to the food bank themselves.

Fresh Produce Delivery

Fresh produce is delivered to those in need on a bi weekly basis from June to September.

Our Mission

To provide free, compassionate in-home assistance, referral services and access to food security for individuals with socio-economic, mobility, and health challenges.

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