Social consciousness is a phrase that we are all familiar with and it’s at the top of most of our minds.

There are pictures of sponsor children stuck to our fridges, teams of students that build houses for the homeless during spring break and countless other opportunities that we could be getting involved in. But changing the world is big and daunting. We want to help in a big way but where do we start?

Do we give money?

How about volunteering time?

Where should we go and help?

Time and money are both valuable commodities these days but what if you could change someone’s world in just one hour a week?

Living in one of the wealthiest nations in the world, we often overlook the social difficulties right on our front step. The truth is, there are people in our community who are broken and hurting. They are tired and weary; unable to perform the tasks that we take for granted. They are hungry. They are lonely. They feel abandoned as though the “system” has failed them. They have no one to call on, no place to be heard. They may be your friend, or just an acquaintance. They may live across town or just down the street. They are sisters and brothers; mothers and fathers; sons and daughters.

Our mission is to provide free, compassionate and relational, non-medical home care, referral services and food security assistance through individuals, groups, businesses, and churches to vulnerable clients struggling with disability, financial and social limitations. Whether it’s delivering a food hamper, preparing a meal, or vacuuming the carpet, volunteering is easy. It’s flexible and requires little time commitment. Yet, even the simplest tasks can provide a life with dignity that was otherwise destined for anonymity and insignificance. A life can be moved from despair and pain, to one of hope with a fulfilling future. We often don’t realize how much even a brief moment together means to someone who is isolated, hurting and alone.

This is an opportunity to give from our abundance; to transform the life of someone who is worthy of love in the same way you are. And once you give love back through Hands In Service, you will find that the love that you have will be forever changed. It will be broader and deeper because we are made to give it.