Touch of Christmas Craft Fair - Vendor Survey

Dear Vendors: We are in the process of improving the traffic flow of the Touch of Christmas venue, adding the large room across the aisle from the café (the Hub) , enlarging the space adjacent to the café and eliminating booths for more space in the aisles. We would like your input and ask if you wouldn’t mind taking a few moments to answer the following questions and leave your comments to aid us in making venue improvements and your experience better.

If you had the choice of 4 booth options: (6’ x 8’ with electricity, 6’ x 8’ no electricity, 8’ x10’ with electricity and 8’ x 10’ no electricity), would you prefer:
Do you prefer
Did you see Hands in Service’s advertisement promotions in the following platforms?
Did you promote yourself through your social media?
Did you value any of the following?
Name (optional)

Thank you for your support of our Touch of Christmas Craft Fair! The funds raised directly operate the following Hands in Service programs:

* Monthly: Delivery of 100 Central Okanagan Food Bank hampers - 200 boxes of food * Monthly: Basic cleaning provided for 30 health - and mobility - challenged clients * Weekly: Fresh produce delivered to 40 clients from June to September * 450 Living Salads - portable garden in a pot delivered to clients to grow salads for a season